Kazuhiro YAMANAKA, Biography

Born in Tokyo in 1971. Kazuhiro Yamanaka graduated from Royal College of Art (London) in 1997. He intervenes on different aspects of design: from piece of furniture design to lighting design. Awarded by numerous prizes including Design report Award 2004 (Milan). His creation belongs to collection of MoMA(New York). He has also realised lighting installations at Victoria Albert Museum (London), Collette store (Paris), Laforet Museum (Tokyo), Hangaram Design Museum (Seoul) etc.


山中一宏于1971年出生于日本东京。他1997年毕业于英国伦敦皇家艺术学院。他涉足多个设计领域:从单件家具设计到照明设计均包括在内。曾荣获多个设计奖项:其中包括2004年米兰设计报导奖。他的设计作品被纽约现代艺术博物馆收藏。并曾为英国维多利亚阿尔伯特博物馆、巴黎Collette精品店、东京Laforet 博物馆与首尔Hangaram设计博物馆设计照明装置。