Xu Bing was born in Chongqing, China in 1955, and grown up in Beijing. In 1977 he entered the printmaking department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing (CAFA) where completed his bachelor’s degree in 1981 and stayed on as an instructor. In 1990, he moved to the United States. Xu returned to China in 2007 and has served as the Vice President as well as professor of CAFA. His work have been exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), the British Museum (London), the Louvre Museum (Paris), Museum of Modern Art (New York) and Museum of Art and Design (New York), etc. In 1999, Xu Bing was the recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship. In 2003, Xu Bing was awarded the Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize, and in 2004 he won the first Wales International Visual Art Prize, Artes Mundi. The Southern Graphics Council awarded Xu Bing their lifetime achievement award in 2006. “Art in America” listed Xu Bing, along with 15 others, in their annual Year in Review. For recent years, Xu Bing has permeated his work to the areas beyond art, taking art as a method and applying it in public welfare which he pays close attention to.


徐冰 1955年生于重庆,长在北京。1977年入中央美术学院版画系,1981年毕业留校任教。1990年移居美国。2007年回国就任中央美术学院副院长、教授。作品曾在纽约大都会博物馆、伦敦大英博物馆、法国卢浮宫博物馆、纽约现代美术馆、纽约艺术与设计博物馆等艺术机构展出。1999年获美国文化界最高奖——麦克阿瑟天才奖。2003年获第十四届日本福冈亚洲文化贡献奖。2004年获首届英国威尔士国际视觉艺术奖(ArtesMundi)。2006年获全美版画家协会“版画艺术终身成就奖”。被《美国艺术》杂志评为15名国际艺术界年度最受注目人物。徐冰近年作品将艺术渗透到艺术之外的领域,并将艺术作为一种手段运用到他所关注的公益事业中。